Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Re-reading James

The morning after my last post I went back to the book of James and read the first chapter again.
The Holy Spirit has a wonderful way of highlighting the things we need to see.

James 1:19-21 (Amplified Bible)

19Understand [this], my beloved brethren. Let every man be quick to hear [a ready listener], slow to speak, slow to take offense and to get angry.

20For man's anger does not promote the righteousness God [wishes and requires].

21So get rid of all uncleanness and the rampant outgrowth of wickedness, and in a humble (gentle, modest) spirit receive and welcome the Word which implanted and rooted [in your hearts] contains the power to save your souls.

This has been echoing around inside me since I reread it.
I so easily get frustrated and angry with myself and with the church, when it seems that we miss the calling so obviously. Yet, it isn't always obvious. And my anger and frustration absolutely will not, and indeed cannot produce or promote the righteousness of God.
Thank God for His Spirit to convict me and remind me that there is always more to every circumstance than I can see, but there is never more to any circumstance than He can see.

I know there are those out there that have needs that need to be met, and I know God knows who He wants to meet those needs. I pray when it is for me to do, I am attentive to the prompting of the Spirit.

I read somewhat recently in My Utmost for His Highest that Jesus never gives up on us, therefore how could I dare to give up on anyone or cease hoping and praying for the breakthroughs in peoples lives that are so needed (paraphrased).

Monday, November 26, 2007

Be Doers of the Word

I was strongly reminded of where I've been reading lately after reading a couple posts by some single ladies, Ame and Lizzie.

James 1:22-27 (Amplified Bible)

22 But be doers of the Word [obey the message], and not merely listeners to it, betraying yourselves [into deception by reasoning contrary to the Truth].

23 For if anyone only listens to the Word without obeying it and being a doer of it, he is like a man who looks carefully at his [own] natural face in a mirror;

24 For he thoughtfully observes himself, and then goes off and promptly forgets what he was like.

25 But he who looks carefully into the faultless law, the [law] of liberty, and is faithful to it and perseveres in looking into it, being not a heedless listener who forgets but an active doer [who obeys], he shall be blessed in his doing (his life of obedience).

26 If anyone thinks himself to be religious (piously observant of the external duties of his faith) and does not bridle his tongue but deludes his own heart, this person's religious service is worthless (futile, barren).

27 External religious worship [religion as it is expressed in outward acts] that is pure and unblemished in the sight of God the Father is this: to visit and help and care for the orphans and widows in their affliction and need, and to keep oneself unspotted and uncontaminated from the world.

My heart hurts to think how we dishonor and disgrace and cause to be put to shame, our Lord the Christ because we are such a self-consumed people.
Will we be those to whom Jesus says "Depart from Me, I know you not."?

Saturday, November 24, 2007


I just got off the phone from talking with my mom. She called to ask me a question about an email exchange between myself and my uncle (her brother) many, many months back.

My uncle bought himself a nice Harley-Davidson motorcycle, the like of which I would love to be able to have myself. We exchanged emails regarding having bikes and toying with the possibility of meeting up and riding together. I thought it sounded like a wonderful idea and if I could have fit some time in this year, would have been glad to do so. Then all email from him stopped. I haven't received any email from him since, even when I'd sent him some.

Back to the phone call... my mom was talking to my uncle yesterday (called to wish him a Happy Thanksgiving) and he came out with a story that I had responded to him in a rude manor, saying something to the affect that I would have to burn the email he sent me. Makes no sense what-so-ever. I never responded to him any such way. That, at least, explains why the emails ceased. The only thing is, I kind of wish I understood where this came from.

I guess there just isn't any explaining some things. I am aware that there have been many strange things like this that have happened between members of this family - misunderstandings or misreadings or something - that have caused rifts, hurt feelings, or something... and then instead of working things out, the just get in a tiff and quit communicating.

My nature doesn't lean that way, so it is very bizarre to me when this kind of behavior occurs.

I only hope that someday, somehow, God will work through to the hearts of all in my family, and that in the way that only He can, heal each one.

Kerry's Post Says It

I was going to sit down and blog about this Thanksgiving and how it has been with our family, Chris gone and Beth here from college, but after reading my wife's blog today, I think she captured it pretty well and I don't need to do much repeating. The only thing to add is that I would say it isn't necessarily just a mother's heart that feels that way.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Time For a Change

Today was the day to change up the look of my blog. I've gotten kind of tired of the old format.

I saw this one with the lighthouse and thought that it is more fitting since the title of my blog is Learning to Live in the Light.

May the Light of Jesus Christ shine upon you, and bring you peace.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Almost Thanksgiving...

Four days from now we will celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday as a nation.

I pray that we as a nation will remember the true meaning and purpose for this day.

To thank God of heaven and earth for the multitude of blessings that He has poured forth upon us as individuals, as communities, states, and as a nation.

God has blessed us abundantly beyond all that we could ask or think...
Yet we, for the most part, take it for granted. We act as though we could somehow deserve the favor God has shown to us; that we, as a nation, are somehow predisposed to receive His wondrous grace and blessing.
We are not.

Without the blood shed for us by Jesus Christ, the Living One, we can never come close to God, the Father.

Forgive us our sin, oh God, as we turn and repent from our truly wicked ways. Forgive us, oh Lord, and heal our sick and broken land. Be gracious to us for Your Name's sake, Lord.
Jesus, we thank You for all that You have done and for the life You have to bestow upon us, if we will only yield to You our hearts and lives.
Father, we ask for Your abundant mercy to be with, and Your covering to be over, the men and women of the armed forces of this country who are overseas serving, that do not have the opportunity to be with their families for this Thanksgiving. Guard their lives and keep them in the safety of Your busom. Dear Lord, thwart every evil plan of the enemy that is desirous to destroy them.
I ask these things of You, oh Mighty God, in the precious name of Jesus Christ the messiah, that You would show forth Your Glory in these dark and perilous times. -- Amen