Monday, June 23, 2008

Grateful Beyond Words

Yesterday was my wife's and my 23rd wedding anniversary.
I cannot even begin to express the gratefulness in my heart for the blessing of having such a wonderful helpmeet - one whom God has made to be one with me - and my very best friend.

My wife and I went out for a nice dinner Saturday evening to celebrate and I was able to provide a surprise gift for her. That was fun!

All in all, yesterday was not a really eventful day, my wife spent the morning home from church resting, trying to fight a sinus infection which she is going to the doctor about today.
In the afternoon we had some time with my parents and sisters (the youngest of which is up from Phoenix with her kids for a few days), and it was good overall. Yet, it is always harder when my wife is not feeling well. She left early to head home and rest some more because the "gunk" has wiped her out. I struggle when she gets sick, because it seems there is so little I can do to help her, except try to be understanding.

I had a wonderful talk with my son last evening. He hasn't been home since last Christmas and we are all looking forward to being together again. An additionally exciting part is that he is bringing an amazing (his favorite adjective for her) young lady along for us to meet and begin to get to know. We are all looking forward to this event and are praying that she is able to be at peace and comfortable in our home. We know it can be a stressful event to meet your boyfriend/girlfriend's parents and family, but we know God is bigger. ;)

That's all for now.

1 comment:

Chris Krycho said...

I enjoyed our conversation, too. :D

I'm looking forward to being there.

And I'm pretty sure she'll fit right in. She already likes you guys, just from what I've said of you, and is looking forward to meeting you.

9 days! :D :D :D