Saturday, May 9, 2009

A Rare Thing

It is a rare thing for me to post a blog these days. Life is hectic and busy; time to sit long enough to think about writing and figuring out what to write has seemed to take way too much effort. (It probably doesn't help that I sit at a computer pretty much all day anyway...)

God has impeccable timing!

Three weeks ago we went over to the townhouse my 85 year-old grandmother was buying in Canon City. It was ok, but it needed substantial work, paint, had old appliances, etc., and the selling realtor had been terrible and been in breach of contract multiple times. It had a one car garage (and she has a bigger car). It would have been a very tight fit for her car and for her getting in and out. Like I said, okay, but not great.
When we got there we saw that the townhouse right next door had just been put up for sale. We went over and looked at it. It was nearly immaculate, a little bigger and had a two car garage that would easily fit her car, and all new appliances. My grandmother made an offer that morning and the couple selling the place were ecstatic. Today we're moving her into that second townhouse.

God is so good!


Our son is graduating from college next weekend. Wow! Where does the time go? It really seems like it was not that long ago that we were taking my son to college with all his stuff and helping him move in. Now, in a week, he'll be done and we'll be helping him move into an apartment.
Two months from now, he'll be getting married.

I shake my head in wonderment as I consider these things. It does not seem that long ago that he came into the world; that I carried him in my arms, put him on my shoulders and treasured having a son... now he's finishing college and getting married. Wow!

God is so good!

Our oldest daughter is about to finish her second year of college and this has been a year of redemption and healing for her. She has excelled in her classes and worked hard to bring her GPA up after having real difficulty with one series of classes last year. There is now a Godly young man in her life who blesses her and cares for her. He has a good head on his shoulders and a thought out plan for his life. That seems like a rare thing these days. I like him. That says a lot. :) I'm so blessed to see the maturity that God is working in her life and her heart to follow Christ.

God is so good!

Our youngest daughter is concluding her junior year of high school and is ever a joy. She sings nearly continuously. She wants to be involved in everything. We often feel like we have to try to put reigns on her (whoa girl!) to help her keep from being OVER-COMMITTED. She is in that tough stage in between being a kid and an adult and is in the process of learning how to deal with life as an adult. I remember that time in my life - I think it took me 20 years to get through it. She is a very spiritually perceptive young lady and has a tender heart for people and for the Lord. She is a blessing to everyone around her.

God is so good!


Off to the day ahead.


1 comment:

Ame said...


how wonderful to hear from you! i think of all of you ... and am hoping for a wedding invitation where i can come and meet all of you :)

the 'bird's eye view' of how God is caring for us is amazing, isn't it. sometimes we get so caught in the trenches that it's hard to see. taking the time to step back and take a look at the view is a great discipline :)