Wednesday, February 28, 2007

On A Lighter Note

Isn't it amazing what God has done and created?

How He put touches of beauty far out into the reaches of space when He created the world?!

It is incredible to behold the beauty God created on our planet for His good pleasure and for us to enjoy.

Then if we consider what He added to the heavens and the far reaches of space, how He sprinkled colors into the stars and galaxies and the far reaches of space that we in this age are only beginning to see, we must conclude that God is truly marvelous.

From the highest of highs to the depths of the sea.

Creation's revealing your majesty.

From the colors of fall to the fragrance of spring...

Every creature unique in the song that it sings

All exclaiming

Indescribable, Uncontainable,

You place the stars in the sky and You know them by name.

You are Amazing God!

All powerful, Untamable,

awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim

You are Amazing God!

Incomparable, Unchangeable

You see the depths of my heart and You love me the same

You are Amazing God! You are Amazing God!

From the song Indescribable Written by Laura Story

Holy Words or Clumsy Fumbling?

Three names came to mind as I was considering and meditating on a recent circumstance:
El’iphaz the Te’manite, Bil’dad the Shu’hite, and Zo’phar the Na’amathite. At a glance one familiar with the bible would guess that these are biblical names, but for most I would venture to guess that it might take a little while to figure out where their historical place is.

What I have been considering is how quickly I tend form my own opinions about circumstances, either concerning myself, or things others I know are walking through. Then even more disturbing to me is how quick I am to speak concerning these things, supposing that I might have wisdom in it.

There is an oft quoted proverb attributed as an American Indian saying, “Do not criticize your neighbor until you have walked a mile in his moccasins.” I would assert that this could be extrapolated to a more biblical principle “that one (I) should not speak either good or bad about anything until one (I) has prayed and received God’s revelation and understanding”… which just may be never.

Coming back to El’iphaz, Bil’dad, and Zo’phar, these men supposed they could “help” their friend by offering their advice to him as he was enduring excruciatingly difficult physical, emotional, and spiritual duress. You probably recognize them now, yes, they were Job’s friends. Each one had thoughts concerning the things that Job was going through. Each one took it upon himself to offer their thoughts with the good intention of helping, counseling, and even consoling their friend through his difficult times, yet none had ever gone through difficulties even remotely similar to what Job faced. The Lord God later rebuked these men for speaking without having His eternal divine understanding.

Now this would seem to be an extreme, yet is it really any different when we start "expressing" our opinion or what we think to be right in ordinary things, when we have not considered first what God is saying about it, and secondly how what we express might affect those hearing. What we speak to one another needs to be that which edifies and builds up. Speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord. Eph. 5:19

The point that God is driving home in me as I write this is this: I may have the best of intention when offering advice or even consolation, but I am most likely lacking in that which is most necessary: Holy Spirit given revelation. Without it I am useless, and furthermore to dare speak without it can be that which brings great destruction. See
James 3, but verse 5 specifically “So also the tongue is a small part of the body, and yet it boasts of great things. See how great a forest is set aflame by such a small fire!” (NASB).
I would rather say five words with my understanding and intelligently in order to instruct others, than ten thousand words in a [strange] tongue (language). 1 Cor. 14:19 AMP

I guess what I am really desiring to express is that I know for myself I need to be quiet with my mouth that I may take the time to listen. Truly listen to what God desires to be. Then that my speech will always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt, so that I will know how I should respond to each person. --Colossians 4

Perhaps this conviction to me will bless someone else.

-- Living to be in His service.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Double Date

I had an awesome opportunity last night to take my daughters out for a special evening. A local organization called ‘A Daughter’s Heart’ hosts an annual daddy-daughter dance. ‘A Daughter’s Heart’ is a non-profit ministry created to help foster the relationshipbetween fathers and daughters.

Papa and both daughters got dressed up. Papa in a suit and each girl in a prom style dress. Corsages and a boutonniere, pictures, dinner, and then about three hours of dancing. My girls are 17 and 15 and they absolutely loved it! Loved the time being dressed up, having a nice dinner, and taking turns dancing with me. Sometimes the three of us all danced together. What a wonderful time and wonderful blessing. I loved it too!

There were fathers there with little girls from maybe three years-old and there were fathers there with their little girls that were thirty-plus (plus) years-old and it was a touching time to see the interactions and the creation of memories that will last a lifetime.

The theme of the evening was ‘Remember When…’ and with pen and paper provided we each wrote down something to share with each other that was a memorable event for us with regard to each other. Interestingly, but also tellingly, we individually wrote down basically the same events between us. What I mean by that is: my 17 year-old and I wrote down a memorable event shared between us; and then my 15 year-old and I wrote down an event that was shared between us. The thing that struck me is how I have missed making multiple memorable moments with my girls. There was pretty much one event that stuck out for each of them and for me. Oh my… all these years and two events, one apiece. The realization made me sad of heart. The other thought that occurred to me was that I don’t have much time left before they’re gone off on their own to lead their own lives. Fortunately, last night added another time for us.

I plan on making time to take time with each of them. They need me, and I need them. I need them to know that they are each special to me. They need to know that they are special. I want and I need to impart that to them so that they are assured of what a father’s love is supposed to look like. Another thing that is important for them to learn is how a man that really loves them is supposed to treat them. Like ladies.
I don’t want any young man to come along and sweep them away with something that they think looks like love; because I have failed to demonstrate it to them. I do want them to know what real love looks like. They need to know when a young man that comes along saying he loves them what it should look like, and they need to know what would earnestly and sincerely demonstrate that love… by honoring her and treating her as the precious treasure she is.

Thank you God, that You show me how to be a father to my precious daughters and to provide them with the best memories possible, that through me, even in my failings, they will see Your perfect love for them. And thank You again Lord for the blessed time my girls and I shared last night.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Jury Summons P.S.

This was a pleasantly uneventful affair. God had prepared my heart to go and serve in what many consider to be a burden. I won't tell you that I was looking forward to spending who knows how much time at it, but it remains an honor and still one of the things that makes our ever more messed up country the best place to live on earth. I sat as many names and juror numbers were called always expecting mine to be next. But after several rounds, the clerk announced that anyone left after the next set of names was called was free to go. I still wasn't selected.

God just wants a willing heart.

What has God called us to do as Christ followers? Be servants. It's pretty simple. I can't recall anyplace in scripture where He says we are only to serve when we feel like it. Rather, he provided illustrious examples of serving, then said we are to do likewise.

Now to just continue putting it to practice.

A Father's Heart

I read my son's blog posting from last night and my heart kind of sank.

He expressed experiencing an emotionally low time to the extent of wanting to find a place to hide and cry. I'll tell you, as a parent, it makes your heart hurt. More so, because while he is still my "little boy," he isn't a little boy anymore, he's grown to manhood.

I hate to see him down. I know God is there keeping him, but as his dad I don't like to see him going through difficulties. On the other side of the coin I know that as a father (or a mother, which may be even harder because God has made the mother's heart to nurture) sometimes we have to let our kids learn how to not just endure or persevere, but continue to learn how to overcome in difficult times and circumstances. Ugh! And meanwhile our heart breaks.

One of the things that has been difficult as our children have reached and are reaching this stage of life where they are entering adulthood is to know how to encourage them without mothering/fathering them, but rather befriending them. It doesn't sound so difficult, but it can be. A gentleman (curious servant), whose blog I've read parts of, posted this comment on AME's blog site: "The tough part of parenting is the process of making ourselves unneeded. Step by step, preparing them to be self-sufficient." It is well said and I think we have done a fair job of doing so, but that doesn't keep us from wanting to be needed and depended on when we see our children hit those tough spots.

What God affords us in these times is the ability to better see His heart toward us, His children. In Matthew 7:11 & Luke 11:13 Jesus said that if we who are evil know how to give good gifts, how much more will the Father in heaven give good gifts (Matthew); give the Holy Spirit (Luke)...

Our Father wants to and does bestow good gifts on us. At the same time He will allow us to endure difficult times because He knows that the end result will be good.

So I must learn to apply this lesson to myself as a father: I want only good for my son and my daughters, so I must learn to trust what the Father is desiring to work in their lives and be disciplined to absolutely prohibit myself from getting in the way of His Perfect Plan for them.

One step further, I must see, recognize, and believe that my Perfect Father has that same heart for me.

If I am going through an emotional low, a time of difficulty, or any trying time, the heart of my Father God is caring for me, his son, even more than I for my son. And from God's perspective concerning me, "as a parent, it makes your heart hurt. More so, because while he is still my "little boy," he isn't a little boy anymore, he's grown to manhood."

- Yours in Christ Jesus

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Jury Summons

Not much to write tonight. Tomorrow I get to report for a jury summons. I don't mind really, but there doesn't ever seem to be a convenient time for it. I've been told I can expect a long day. So I will attempt to go prepared for that.
We will see what God has in store for my part in His plan regarding this event. I'll share more when I can.

Blessings to all.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Bad Hard Drive and Flat Bicycle Tires

  • Have you ever had the feeling that the devil was putting quite a bit of effort trying to rattle your cage?
  • Have you ever been able to just look at what was meant to stir up your emotions and just chuckle?
  • Have you ever been so assured that God is for you that no one and no thing was going to be able to shake you?
These questions provide the backdrop for my past couple weeks. For the past few months I've been working on trying to build a web site for my wife. As I've noted before, she is an aspiring writer and the Lord has thrown doors wide open for her to pursue writing a book. You'll have to visit Kerry's blog to find out more about it because the web site is out there, but not quite completed yet... still.
And I have been working on developing a web site for our church (no small endeavor) and it is in a similar state to my wife's web site. It is out there, but not quite completed yet... still.
The partially complete state of these web sites is because I work on them in my spare time (if there really is such a thing), which is that couple hours on occasional evenings and weekends when we aren't busy with something else. Anyone with kids, especially high school age kids, would likely know what I'm talking about...

So anyway, lets just say I've been plugging away at these things. Then on Thursday evening of the week before last I came home and my computer was acting very strangely and then pretty much just hung. Okay, savvy Windows user that I am, I reboot, or should I say attempt to reboot, because it restarts, but Windows does not start up and it provides this nice error saying that a major part of the operating system fails to initialize. Not a good thing. This is about the point where one (me) would normally want to scream "Aaaaaarrrrrrgh" and throw the thing out a window. And not that that would really help anything. But as the feelings of frustration started to rise, I just felt this little chuckle inside and the frustrations quickly subsided. To God be all praise. I have to confess that this is NOT how I would have responded in the past. But God gives us grace for each day and each trial in each day, if we will just accept it from Him. Well to attempt to keep this somewhat short, a new hard drive, a new load of the operating system, and a couple days, and a LOT of God's grace I was able to be back up and running and also able to recover the important data off of the failed drive, including all the developed web page files I had been working on. Thanks be to God.

A desk job for work, life, etcetera, keeps me plenty busy and the nice cold snowy winter we've been enjoying (honestly) has made it difficult to get regular exercise. This means my weight goes up, thanks to the now slower metabolism, and my endurance goes down. Well, last summer I started riding my mountain bike during lunch. This was good. I felt better and started losing some of the michelon of the middle. All good. Well winter hit and the bicycle hasn't seen much more use than the motorcycle. Until yesterday.
The weather has been pretty decent so I decided it was time to start my lunchtime rides again any day I could squeeze them in. The ride went well. I brought my bike up to my office. A while later, close to time to leave, I noticed that the front tire had gone flat since I had gotten back. I thought it strange because I had only ridden on the roads. Sure enough, not one big thorny sticker, but two. (We call them goat heads because there are two long thorns attached to a base so they look kind of like a little goat head.) In replacing the inner tube, 'cause it's pretty much shot, I find there are cactus thorns in the tire too, with my finger. That smarts! Got through that. Started checking the rear tire, guessing what I would find and I was not disappointed. Took the bike home and spent half an hour repairing the rear inner tube and reinflating the tire. Good to go! Until this morning. I went out (almost running late for a telecon) grabbed the bike to put it on the rack and noticed... guess what... the rear tire I had "fixed" last night was flat. I just had to laugh. God gave His grace.

I relate these things because God in His mercy and grace has been teaching me (for a long time 'cause I can be a slow learner) about how to live James 1:2-4 "Consider it wholly joyful, my brethren, whenever you are enveloped in or encounter trials of any sort or fall into various temptations. Be assured and understand that the trial and proving of your faith bring out endurance and steadfastness and patience. But let endurance and steadfastness and patience have full play and do a thorough work, so that you may be [people] perfectly and fully developed [with no defects], lacking in nothing." (from the Amplified Bible)

It is through the things we are allowed to experience that we learn how to look at the circumstance(s) and laugh (or sometimes not) and yet give praise to God our Father that He finds us worthy to teach us how to walk through without becoming overwhelmed or despairing. My God is not cruel. Rather, He is a far better Father than I have been or can be. He knows what we need to learn and how we need to learn it and then He takes the time to take us through. Through our "Red Sea," through our "Jordan Crossing," through the land of giants, through the valley of the shadow of death, to the place or rest He promised He would bring us to.

I know my God is for me, so who can be against me and prevail?

May you be blessed.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Motorcycle Riding – aka Some Somewhat Meaningless Drivel

As I stated in my brief bio, I love to ride my motorcycle. I would enjoy it even more if I had a way to more comfortably share it with the lady that is the love of my life. When I say more comfortably, I mean that the back seat of my motorcycle is just not big and cushy like the front saddle and my wife Kerry gets uncomfortable sitting on it for more than about an hour. What is the solution? I guess I need to buy another motorcycle that has a big cushy back seat. :-D Is that going to happen any time soon? I don't think so, but it is a fun idea to contemplate.

We are having a real winter here on the front range of Colorado. It is the first real winter in close to a decade. Some of those who are newer to the area seem to be a bit overwhelmed by it, especially those accustomed to warmer climes. This real winter was preceded by an unusually wet late summer and fall. I explain this because it ties into the fact that my motorcycle has been sitting dormant in my garage for about five or six months now. During that time it has not been started.

Until yesterday.
The temperature here was almost 60, so I decided it was time to warm up the engine, circulate the oil, and see if the rubber would still roll. It took a couple minutes to get it started, but eventually it roared to life. I put on my leather jacket and went for a short ride. Then it all came rushing back…

There is just something inexplicably wonderful about getting out and riding my motorcycle. There is a sense of freedom that could almost be compared to being a bird in flight (albeit low flight), that comes from riding down a road on a motorcycle. Riding in a convertible car can provide a similar feeling, but it just is not quite the same because you still have a vehicle around you. A motorcycle is different that way; it is open to the surrounding world. With every turn and acceleration, every sensation heightens and the adrenaline pulses through the veins. It is a sensation that makes one feel very much alive. My words fail to do justice to the feeling of exhilaration I experience when I ride.

I started writing this because the revitalized feeling of freedom sparked something in me that I wanted to try to express:

God came in human form to set us free. Free from bondage. Free from the chains that hold us. I had been experiencing feelings of being chained up because the freedom to ride had been removed by rain and then cold and snow. In similar fashion there are chains and bondage that we allow to be put on ourselves when we let ourselves get outside of God’s will, when we sin (fall short of God’s glory). Like the rain and then the cold and snow of winter, falling short dampens our spirit and causes us to feel chained up. We can sort of see it, but we feel it is like the winter weather and there is nothing we can do about it. It's just that way we concede.

In reality and very much to the contrary of how we may feel, God gave us the ability to do everything about it because He gave us the ability to choose whether or not to stay in bondage. He provided for us the power to be those who overcome by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimonies of Him. He states that we as believers are more than conquerors through Jesus Christ our Lord.

As I consider these things that God has done for us, I feel more exhilarated than I did yesterday when I was riding my motorcycle. Why? Because the freedom He provides is far greater than even the wonderful things He allows us to experience to gain a taste of His goodness.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Global Warming or Man’s Inflated Ego

I preface this by stating:
  • I know this is a controversial matter and I am not attempting to prove or disprove anything. I am merely commenting on my observation of what I believe could be considered, in the right light, as a rather amusing debate.
  • I confess that I do have an opinion on the matter and it is difficult to hide in my writing.
  • Additionally, I believe humankind is to be as responsible in caring for the planet on which we live.
  • This is a tad lengthy...

Recently leaked snippets of a draft summary of the next report of the “Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change” (a global warming study) bring to light just how passionate people can be about what they believe.

Many people of all ages are completely convinced, or perhaps I should say hoodwinked, that the phenomenon of global warming is purely a human caused condition affecting our planet. Maybe this is because Al Gore has told them so, and since he did invent the internet after all, he is an incredibly reliable source of information. The wonderful “free” media in the U.S. would like to blame their favorite target, President George W. Bush. However, with only a little bit of internet research, one can easily find that there is far from scientific consensus on the issue. Additionally, it should be noted that all the signs and indicators leading to the conclusion that man is at fault, may also be linked to natural earth cycles or astronomic events completely beyond anything man could be capable of.

The first thing one who attempts to be an objective observer must note is the language of what has been informally “released” from the uncompleted report. “It is more than 90 percent likely that global warming since 1950 has been driven mainly by the buildup of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases…” In addition, from the previous report, “there is a 66 percent to 90 percent chance that human activities are driving the most recent warming.” The words ‘likely’ and ‘chance’ are not words associated with absolutes, if they were, gambling would be far more lucrative. These are possibilities. I emphasize the word possibilities. It is possible that the sun could quit shining. It is like a weather forecast: it is possible that it could rain this afternoon, but in reality given the time of year. If we were to get precipitation today, it is more likely that it would be snow. It is likely, it is possible, there is a chance… these are words associated with what could be, what might be. I have tried to remain objective in this are so while the evidence considered may suggest that it could be a possibility, it is far from conclusive.
One needs only to quickly peruse the internet on the subject to find that there is far ranging debate on the subject and there is far from any consensus among scientists on the matter. One article states that the real reason for global warming is that the sun is responsible. Imagine that. Yes, the sun has apparently gotten a little hotter over the last century and that it is increasing the temperature of the earth. Inconceivable: that big round ball of fire in the sky might actually make it hotter here on earth; imagine that. That article also noted that this is a concept worthy of more study and that man and his SUVs may not be responsible at all.

I have been absolutely amazed at the recent “Letters to the Editor” in the local paper that have taken the words from this report lead people to believe that this whole matter is now proven fact and that all the “real” scientists agree that it is so. One letter from on man proclaimed that only “flakes and flat-earthers” deny that humankind is unequivocally responsible for global warming. I was so glad to be convinced because I do not want to be a “flake” or a “flat-earther.” Another person wrote in that the problem lies with all the large farming equipment emissions and also cited a somewhat recent study relating bovine methane emissions contributing to the problem; then went on to reference a website about veggies for the environment. This writer also mentioned the excessive deforestation to support cattle grazing and crop production. This is insightful. I would have to infer from this that we should eliminate all the cattle from the earth to reduce the bovine methane emission problem and cease to use large heavy farming equipment. Therefore, the solution takes care of itself. Humankind would no longer be able to contribute to global warming because most of the population would starve to death. How and where, I wonder, does this pro-vegetable person get their vegetable from, a grocery store, perhaps? I could be wrong, but I would bet they are not growing enough vegetables on their own to feed themselves and their family for an entire year. Hence, their proposed “solution” is reliant on an industry they decry. Oh, and I wonder if and how the environmentalists would consider the impending extinction of cattle. Is it okay because they are not wildlife but domestic animals? Of course, human extinction would probably be acceptable as a solution to this purported problem except that it is also entirely possible that the excess gases released from masses of decaying bodies will only further contribute to the problem. Another, more humorous writer suggested this might be a good thing because the warmer weather was more enjoyable and provided a longer growing season. He must be a farmer.

I must confess I am left puzzled by some of these interesting propositions.
I put forth some questions that I have considered. Is it possible that it is part of a natural cycle in the life of our planet? God made our planet to be like a living organism and it has cycles that it goes through as part of its life, similar to the creatures He has placed on it. Is it something simpler like the amount of time that we have been able to keep accurate records of the earth’s temperatures is simply not long enough to get an accurate picture of the cooling and warming cycles that our earth goes through? Is it possible that based on this, the computer models just do not have enough information to make a reliable prediction of what could happen over the next 100 years?

In general, the intent of my commentary is to encourage those who read this to give the matter some study and analytical thought. I will end with the assertion that I believe man might be just a little too full of himself to think that we ultimately have control over, or are the cause of such major global changes, good or bad.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Life Changes

Well today it became official. We have gone through a change in life. All at once. It felt good. No remorse. No guilt. Just moving on.
This change is not in the way that is most commonly understood when that term is heard these days. I'm not trading in my wife for another woman, not going out to buy a sports car or any of those things typically associated with change of life. It is simpler and far better.
I sold the minivan.
Yes, I parted with that icon of middle life when the kids need to be toted everywhere. The child mover: Soccer practice for some, baseball for others, going to movies with friends and each of the three kids gets to take a friend. Yes, it is truly the all purpose little people mover. It served us well on vacation trips, college visit trips, and even for moving our son to college. It was a great vehicle for us for the past almost seven years, but now our time has passed. Our oldest left for college a year-and-a-half ago. Our middle child will start college the end of this summer, and that leaves one child at home that isn't driving quite yet. We just don't need to haul that many people around anymore so away it went.
I know where it is going and how it is to be used. A single father with three fairly young children needs some reliable transportation with space to carry all the odds and ends that go with kids that age. I pray it will be a blessing for them just as it was a blessing for us.
Ecclesiastes tells us that there is a time and a season for everything under the heavens. While 'a time for a minivan and a time for no minivan' isn't expressly stated, I'll take it that it too falls in that category.
Now for the next stage of life - no minivan. God be praised!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Why am I here attempting to blog?
Good question that I’m not entirely sure I have a good answer to…
It isn’t that God has put some major burden on my heart to share some great truths with the world, but I can’t find and outlet or a podium. I’m no great speaker, so I shall not be filling up auditoriums and the like with people desiring to hear me share great spiritual truths and revelations. I cannot tell a joke without messing it up somehow. I do not have the gift of telling stories, at least not in a way that captures any ones attention.
So, back to the initial question… Why am I attempting to blog?

My son is a blogger. He has aspirations of being a writer so it is a wonderful outlet for him to get his plethora of ponderings down and share them with whatever part of the world may stumble across them and decide to attempt to read and understand. Not that his writing is bad in any way, rather that the things he writes about are often so deep, and occasionally long that it can be hard for an average person to grasp. Yet he has things to share and that is his outlet and he is good at it.

My son has encouraged my wife to blog. She too is an aspiring writer. The Good Lord has provided her ample ideas about things to write and share with the world that are very good and can be helpful to people who have needs. I have read what she writes and am moved by her compassion as well as her ability to relate to people, and her ability to convey her thoughts and ideas in ways that are wonderfully descriptive that one can almost feel you are where she is.

My son has encouraged me to blog. “What should I write about?” I have asked him. He believes that I have things to share that may be of help to others. I’m not so sure.
To the best I can tell, I am not an aspiring writer, though attempting to blog would seem to contradict that. To me, these are just my musings and as I start to put down words about different topics I hope that somebody can relate and find a connecting point and just maybe be encouraged in some way. Perhaps some who read this can be comforted with the comfort that I have received in trying times.

So, I guess that is why.