Tuesday, March 20, 2007

I Am Convinced

Another song by Brian Doerksen and Brenton Brown...

I am convinced
No force on earth
Can separate us from the love of God
Angels or demons,
This life or death
Won’t separate us from the love of God

So high, so wide, so measureless,
Filling eternity
So strong, so deep, so intimate,
Encircling mystery
That nothing can take Your love from me

Violence or danger,
Hunger or shame
Won’t separate us from the love of God
I am convinced
No force on earth
Can separate us from the love of God

Wow! I love it when somebody captures such a simple profound truth from God's Word. Especially when it gets stuck in your head and you are singing it all day long.
The biggest difficulty (especially for a musician) is to try to relate the power that one can sense from music and songs without the musical accompanyment.

Anyway, what a wonderful assurance we have from our God that He won't ever leave us or forsake us; that He is always present and He is an ever-present help in our times of need.
Now I don't know about you, but I'm always in need of His wonderous touch in my life, healing me, molding me, forming and fashioning me into the perfect vessel that is able to do His will and be His instrument.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that is powerful.

living it and experiencing it unleash that power in unfathomable ways.