Saturday, October 20, 2007

The Last Day of Summer

Today was a gorgeous day here in Colorado Springs.
It might be the last day of summer.
We had a high temperature of about 75 degrees.
We had winds that qualified for gale warnings: 20-30 mph with gusts up to 45 mph.
It is 7:00pm as of the time I'm writing this and the temperature is still around 65.

Starting later tonight it is supposed to start to snow; the forecast says sometime after midnight. Lows tonight are supposed to be get down into the 20s. BRRR!

So you're probably wondering why I'm giving you the weather update for Colorado Springs. It is because even after living here most of my life, I'm still amazed at how drastically the weather can change in a short amount of time.
I went for a mountain bike ride this morning in shorts and short sleeved shirt; I'll be wearing a ski jacket to church tomorrow.

It is part of what makes living here so unique.


Chris Krycho said...

I love it, and I miss it.

Not nearly so much as I love and miss you, however. :-)

Anonymous said...

Yay!!! We're getting it tonight ... but not THAT cold!!!!!!!

Good timing ... my AC went out today ... UGH. I don't know nothin 'bout that stuff :)

But ... I'm not gonna paint my AC unit cottage white ... it's not bouyant ... and ... OMW!!!!!!! Going back to 30?!!!!!!! Eeeeek!!!

Anonymous said...

David ... "cottage white" is NOT white!!!!!!!
