Sunday, November 18, 2007

Almost Thanksgiving...

Four days from now we will celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday as a nation.

I pray that we as a nation will remember the true meaning and purpose for this day.

To thank God of heaven and earth for the multitude of blessings that He has poured forth upon us as individuals, as communities, states, and as a nation.

God has blessed us abundantly beyond all that we could ask or think...
Yet we, for the most part, take it for granted. We act as though we could somehow deserve the favor God has shown to us; that we, as a nation, are somehow predisposed to receive His wondrous grace and blessing.
We are not.

Without the blood shed for us by Jesus Christ, the Living One, we can never come close to God, the Father.

Forgive us our sin, oh God, as we turn and repent from our truly wicked ways. Forgive us, oh Lord, and heal our sick and broken land. Be gracious to us for Your Name's sake, Lord.
Jesus, we thank You for all that You have done and for the life You have to bestow upon us, if we will only yield to You our hearts and lives.
Father, we ask for Your abundant mercy to be with, and Your covering to be over, the men and women of the armed forces of this country who are overseas serving, that do not have the opportunity to be with their families for this Thanksgiving. Guard their lives and keep them in the safety of Your busom. Dear Lord, thwart every evil plan of the enemy that is desirous to destroy them.
I ask these things of You, oh Mighty God, in the precious name of Jesus Christ the messiah, that You would show forth Your Glory in these dark and perilous times. -- Amen

1 comment:

Chris Krycho said...

Amen. Thanks for sharing your heart...