Monday, October 13, 2008

Too, too long

It has been too, too long since I've posted. I've struggled at times thinking, I should go write (blog) something, and then sat down and not really know what to write.
So here I sit to ramble on for a few hopefully coherent moments as I now reflect on a year that is nearly 5/6 past and wondering just where it has gone.
It has been a busy year and a full year. Much has happened. Much continues to be happening.
  • My wife is moving into having a career because it is where God is directing her. He has given her a vision for the church that puts her in the place where her employer wants her at the helm of the product development - because it is His vision for the church.
  • My son, my oldest "child," has started his senior year of college and now has a wonderful young lady to whom he has recently become engaged. She is a joy and a welcome addition to our family.
  • My oldest daughter is in her second year of college - nursing and is having a very good year - A redeeming year for her. Last year was a difficult and trying year for her, but it caused her to grow tremendously in the Lord. I can't say how grateful I am for how she is doing now.
  • My youngest daughter is the "busy" one. She always has been and she continues to go at light speed from one activity to another. School musical - to music competition - to mock trial - to spring play - and whatever else she thinks she can squeeze in.

Me - I've had a good year. I've worked a lot. I trained quite a bit. I did a couple major mountain bike races. I got to go to the Interbike convention (the revealing of all the new years bikes and bike toys). I have enjoyed my family. I have missed having the time I would have liked to have had with my parents.
The year has gone by too fast. I consider that it is the middle of October and I look back and wonder how the time has flown by so quickly. I am decided that I am definitely not ready for it to be late fall with snow just around the corner any day.

This is a good life! Thank God for it!
There is much to look forward to in the days ahead. In another post perhaps I'll venture into the things that I see the Lord wanting to work in the hearts of His church, His people, His bride. There may be difficulties, but there will be exceeding joy - heart peace - for those who rest in God and trust in Jesus Christ.

-- Blessings


Chris Krycho said...

Good to have you back! I've missed reading! I love you!

Girl4God said...

I'm ready for fall and snow. :) And I'm grateful for this year for me too. :) Love you!