Saturday, November 24, 2007


I just got off the phone from talking with my mom. She called to ask me a question about an email exchange between myself and my uncle (her brother) many, many months back.

My uncle bought himself a nice Harley-Davidson motorcycle, the like of which I would love to be able to have myself. We exchanged emails regarding having bikes and toying with the possibility of meeting up and riding together. I thought it sounded like a wonderful idea and if I could have fit some time in this year, would have been glad to do so. Then all email from him stopped. I haven't received any email from him since, even when I'd sent him some.

Back to the phone call... my mom was talking to my uncle yesterday (called to wish him a Happy Thanksgiving) and he came out with a story that I had responded to him in a rude manor, saying something to the affect that I would have to burn the email he sent me. Makes no sense what-so-ever. I never responded to him any such way. That, at least, explains why the emails ceased. The only thing is, I kind of wish I understood where this came from.

I guess there just isn't any explaining some things. I am aware that there have been many strange things like this that have happened between members of this family - misunderstandings or misreadings or something - that have caused rifts, hurt feelings, or something... and then instead of working things out, the just get in a tiff and quit communicating.

My nature doesn't lean that way, so it is very bizarre to me when this kind of behavior occurs.

I only hope that someday, somehow, God will work through to the hearts of all in my family, and that in the way that only He can, heal each one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

gosh ... so sorry. i totally understand. some people are just gonna believe what they're gonna believe ... regardless of the truth. "AS FAR AS IT DEPENDS ON YOU, be at peace with everyone." hard part is ... you have no control over the other person ... and God is the first to acknowledge that.

you're gonna have to do what you can, pray, and release them to God. you cannot control them.