Sunday, March 9, 2008

Still Cleaning This Gun

I've been hearing this song by Rodney Atkins on the radio fairly frequently lately. I've decided that I really like it.
I posted previously about being a protective father to two very beautiful girls, so If you read that post, you'd understand that a song about a guy dating a daughter with a chorus like this could seem pretty appealing:

... But there is one speech from high school I'll never forget
Come on in boy,
Sit on down and tell me about yourself.
So you like my daughter, do you now?
Yeah, we think she's something else.
She's her daddy's girl, her momma's world.
She deserves respect, that's what she'll get.
Ain't it son?
Now ya'll run along and have some fun.
I'll see you when you get back,
bet I'll be up all night,
still cleaning this gun.

I won't put the entire song here since you can click on this link to listen to it and see the lyrics along with it. If you have teenage daughters you might find you like this song too.

Meanwhile, I'll probably be up all night, just cleaning this gun. :D

1 comment:

Ame said...

Yep yep yep! I like this song, too. Yeah ... you just keep cleanin that thar gun!