Thursday, March 29, 2007

Flying Solo

*** The words to "Leavin' On a Jet Plane" echoing in the back of my mind. ***

My oldest daughter (17 y.o., nearly 18) got on an airplane yesterday evening to go visit her brother in Oklahoma. She is on spring break (2 weeks) and she and my wife decided about 6 weeks ago at my son's suggestion that it might be a cool experience for her to get a preview of what college is like.
So they my wife and daughter split the cost and bought my little girl an airplane ticket to OK City. ... and last night she left ... She got there safe and everything. That is good.

It's hitting me now. I know part of it is preparation for this fall when she goes off to college, which I'm trying to be ready for, but I'm not ready for... don't have the grace for it yet...
This papa's heart is left feeling a little sad that the time has flown by like it has and that my babies are flying the nest. It's what we work for, getting them ready to fly solo, and then all of a sudden the time has sneaked up on you and it's there.

I know it will be a good time for her and for her brother, and that it will be a good time for my wife and youngest and me; and I know that my girl will be back in a week and that it will be all back to "normal" for a while yet. But in the meantime there's that song echoing through the back of my mind, because one day not too far off it is going to be longer than a week...

Thank God for the grace He gives me today is that which I need
for today.


Chris Krycho said...

I'm glad God is helping you work through this; I'm sure it can't be easy (though I can't yet imagine... someday...). We're having a blast. I love you!

Anonymous said...

"my babies"


my girls sometimes let me get away with that and sometimes don't. it's hard for kids to realize they will always be "our babies."

i try not to get that far ahead in my mind, though sometimes i do - usually because one of my girls takes me there.

if it were easy for you to let them go, i think that would "cheapen" the relationship and love you have for them. i think that it is so difficult and rips at every fiber of our beings as parents reveals the value and worth of the gifts God has shared with us.

may your three amazing children find the depth of their value and worth as you strive to let your babies go.

Christina Tarabochia said...

How fun to read the "father" perspective after having read Kerry's view of the same thing! Feel free to sign up for our newsletter at with your own email so your wife doesn't have to share our hiliarious newsletter with you. ;-)