Friday, December 28, 2007

Four Boys Became Four Young Men

Last evening four men gathered together to remember a time 11 or 12 years ago when we got together to pray over four boys. These are our boys: all within two years of age, that have grown up together from birth and have been friends all along the way.

This is not so common in these mobile days where families move from place to place and state to state for jobs and such. We've been extremely blessed that we've all been able to stay in one place and have our church family for the entirety of our children's growing up years, and so have our children.

These four boys played together, fought thousands of imaginary battles together, fought amongst themselves a time or two (more than once over a stick imagined to be a light saber), and played countless hours of XBox together. Most importantly they have prayed together and encouraged one another.

Now all four have left home and gone off to college.

Yesterday one got married.

Last evening we remembered these little boys that we prayed over. When we prayed for them, prayed that they would be Godly brothers for one another. That their friendships would endure. That they would be there to encourage one another. That as they were growing up there would always be the place to love one another, be able to bring correction to each other, that they would rally to each other and be there to help each other. God, in His amazing faithfulness, answered this prayer.

And last night at a wedding reception, we remembered.


Chris Krycho said...

He was indeed faithful to answer that prayer. I was thinking about that last night... His goodness to us is amazing. Everything He led you to share with us then has come to pass. I remember the Sunday you four came to share it with us clearer than almost anything else in the first ten years of my life (there was a bee sting that's a close competitor... :p ). I am anxious to see where God takes us all from here.

Thanks for your faithfulness to us as a father, and to pray for us along way; we've needed it.

Love you!

Ame said...

This is so powerful. I know it's controversial out there, but I believe there is something different about a man's prayers over others. That four men took the time to pray over four boys is extremely powerful. What would happen to our nation if men rose up together to lay hands on our youth and pray for them in unison? regardless of whether or not the youth is their child?