Sunday, February 25, 2007

Double Date

I had an awesome opportunity last night to take my daughters out for a special evening. A local organization called ‘A Daughter’s Heart’ hosts an annual daddy-daughter dance. ‘A Daughter’s Heart’ is a non-profit ministry created to help foster the relationshipbetween fathers and daughters.

Papa and both daughters got dressed up. Papa in a suit and each girl in a prom style dress. Corsages and a boutonniere, pictures, dinner, and then about three hours of dancing. My girls are 17 and 15 and they absolutely loved it! Loved the time being dressed up, having a nice dinner, and taking turns dancing with me. Sometimes the three of us all danced together. What a wonderful time and wonderful blessing. I loved it too!

There were fathers there with little girls from maybe three years-old and there were fathers there with their little girls that were thirty-plus (plus) years-old and it was a touching time to see the interactions and the creation of memories that will last a lifetime.

The theme of the evening was ‘Remember When…’ and with pen and paper provided we each wrote down something to share with each other that was a memorable event for us with regard to each other. Interestingly, but also tellingly, we individually wrote down basically the same events between us. What I mean by that is: my 17 year-old and I wrote down a memorable event shared between us; and then my 15 year-old and I wrote down an event that was shared between us. The thing that struck me is how I have missed making multiple memorable moments with my girls. There was pretty much one event that stuck out for each of them and for me. Oh my… all these years and two events, one apiece. The realization made me sad of heart. The other thought that occurred to me was that I don’t have much time left before they’re gone off on their own to lead their own lives. Fortunately, last night added another time for us.

I plan on making time to take time with each of them. They need me, and I need them. I need them to know that they are each special to me. They need to know that they are special. I want and I need to impart that to them so that they are assured of what a father’s love is supposed to look like. Another thing that is important for them to learn is how a man that really loves them is supposed to treat them. Like ladies.
I don’t want any young man to come along and sweep them away with something that they think looks like love; because I have failed to demonstrate it to them. I do want them to know what real love looks like. They need to know when a young man that comes along saying he loves them what it should look like, and they need to know what would earnestly and sincerely demonstrate that love… by honoring her and treating her as the precious treasure she is.

Thank you God, that You show me how to be a father to my precious daughters and to provide them with the best memories possible, that through me, even in my failings, they will see Your perfect love for them. And thank You again Lord for the blessed time my girls and I shared last night.


Ame said...

ahhhhh ... i LOVE it!!!!!

yes, you need to make those multiple memories. you might also want to keep a journal to give them someday - one for each.

and, love your wife the way you want your sons-in-law to someday love your daughters. may they see a high standard set by you as they weed through finding their own husband.

Ame said...
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