Friday, February 16, 2007

Life Changes

Well today it became official. We have gone through a change in life. All at once. It felt good. No remorse. No guilt. Just moving on.
This change is not in the way that is most commonly understood when that term is heard these days. I'm not trading in my wife for another woman, not going out to buy a sports car or any of those things typically associated with change of life. It is simpler and far better.
I sold the minivan.
Yes, I parted with that icon of middle life when the kids need to be toted everywhere. The child mover: Soccer practice for some, baseball for others, going to movies with friends and each of the three kids gets to take a friend. Yes, it is truly the all purpose little people mover. It served us well on vacation trips, college visit trips, and even for moving our son to college. It was a great vehicle for us for the past almost seven years, but now our time has passed. Our oldest left for college a year-and-a-half ago. Our middle child will start college the end of this summer, and that leaves one child at home that isn't driving quite yet. We just don't need to haul that many people around anymore so away it went.
I know where it is going and how it is to be used. A single father with three fairly young children needs some reliable transportation with space to carry all the odds and ends that go with kids that age. I pray it will be a blessing for them just as it was a blessing for us.
Ecclesiastes tells us that there is a time and a season for everything under the heavens. While 'a time for a minivan and a time for no minivan' isn't expressly stated, I'll take it that it too falls in that category.
Now for the next stage of life - no minivan. God be praised!

1 comment:

Chris Krycho said...

It's gone? Wow... hard to wrap my mind around. And, not, at the same time, but it was around for a while. I'm glad it went to a good family.

I really like the changes to the blog format. It looks pretty snazzy. I particularly like the text block you put in above the "About Me" section. Good stuff!

There is indeed a time and a season for everything.