Thursday, February 15, 2007

Why am I here attempting to blog?
Good question that I’m not entirely sure I have a good answer to…
It isn’t that God has put some major burden on my heart to share some great truths with the world, but I can’t find and outlet or a podium. I’m no great speaker, so I shall not be filling up auditoriums and the like with people desiring to hear me share great spiritual truths and revelations. I cannot tell a joke without messing it up somehow. I do not have the gift of telling stories, at least not in a way that captures any ones attention.
So, back to the initial question… Why am I attempting to blog?

My son is a blogger. He has aspirations of being a writer so it is a wonderful outlet for him to get his plethora of ponderings down and share them with whatever part of the world may stumble across them and decide to attempt to read and understand. Not that his writing is bad in any way, rather that the things he writes about are often so deep, and occasionally long that it can be hard for an average person to grasp. Yet he has things to share and that is his outlet and he is good at it.

My son has encouraged my wife to blog. She too is an aspiring writer. The Good Lord has provided her ample ideas about things to write and share with the world that are very good and can be helpful to people who have needs. I have read what she writes and am moved by her compassion as well as her ability to relate to people, and her ability to convey her thoughts and ideas in ways that are wonderfully descriptive that one can almost feel you are where she is.

My son has encouraged me to blog. “What should I write about?” I have asked him. He believes that I have things to share that may be of help to others. I’m not so sure.
To the best I can tell, I am not an aspiring writer, though attempting to blog would seem to contradict that. To me, these are just my musings and as I start to put down words about different topics I hope that somebody can relate and find a connecting point and just maybe be encouraged in some way. Perhaps some who read this can be comforted with the comfort that I have received in trying times.

So, I guess that is why.


Chris Krycho said...

Good post. I'm looking forward to hearing what you have to say. You have more wisdom - especially of the experiential sort - than you give yourself credit for. The comfort with which you have been comforted is more than enough reason!

Chris Krycho said...

Don't know if you realize it, but you can sign in with your overall google account when you leave comments and it'll show up not just as "chris' dad" but with a link back to your blogger profile. ;)

Ame said...

welcome to the blogging world - it's an interesting and fun place to be.

thanks for visiting! how fun for me to pull up your blog and find you're chris' dad, AND we're the same age!!!

being out there in the blogging world i've had opportunity to meet all ages, and i've enjoyed meeting "kids" young enough to be my own children. it's an interesting place to learn because they don't know me as Mrs or as their friend's mom, and they tend to be very candid.

i'll hope over to your wife's blog after i put my kids to bed.

one thing i've really enjoyed about chris' blog is getting to know his parents and to learn from you through him as i raise my girls. he's a great "kid," and i know you and your wife are very proud of him!

on to put kids to bed who should already be there!