Thursday, May 17, 2007

Overwhelmed by Computer Problems

Right now the computers in my house that are having difficulties is growing.

My youngest daughter has an old computer of mine. It is at the place where it just isn't all that happy with the new operating system and software that is installed on it. It is slow to boot and it throws tantrums and holds its breath until it passes out; usually when my daughter is working on a paper or trying to do something important for school. I've been putting off doing anything with it as long as I can.

A couple weeks ago my parents computer decided it was going to take a vacation. The Norton GoBack installed on it was in cahoots with Windows and now every time it boots up, the GoBack lights up and says it has detected something is unstable (I call it MS Windows) and it is going to reboot. It doesn't ask if it is okay, it just figures it knows best and helps you out. Flash-click-restarting --- screams coming from the user, "I didn't ask you to do that! Stop it!" I echoed those screams when I was trying to figure out how to fix it.

I shared the pain with an IT buddy of mine and had him just as perplexed as me. If you're wondering about tech support... it has been outsourced - to India. I'm still trying to get this one figured out.

My son Chris came home from college for the summer, set up his computer and turned it on... It was working fine whey he left Oklahoma, but somewhere along the way it developed altitude sickness on the trip home and starting coughing up its windows registry, one misplaced bit at a time going from bad to worse with each step suggested to try to fix and recover. Now it is in a really funky state. You can see and use the icons on the desktop, but there is no task bar to be found. It just went away. Attempts to recover have not met with any success. It foiled my attempt to load a linux operating system: just shook its sad little head and said, "No way, Jose!"

So I'm rethinking this whole technology thing.

The good news is I found this helpful picture that explains computer hardware in easy to understand terminology so even a programmer (like me) can understand. But if I fail to be able to figure it out, I'll just resort to the function key (See picture at right)!


Anonymous said...

laughter! it really is a good dose of medicine. when that wears off, try a "scream session!" that's what we three girls do! (and you and Chris are slightly out-numbered ;) you all get together and say, "one ... two ... three ... " and then everyone screams as loud as they can for as long as they can. sometimes you need to repeat ;)

(suggestion ... do this BEFORE you get on the raquetball court ;)

Chris Krycho said...

*sigh* GIGO, yes? Thanks for trying to help; I know this has been frustrating for you. It certainly has for me, and I'm not dealing with the third such set of issues.

Mike Duran said...

I don't like the looks of that Supplementary Data. It's either chow mein noodles or... I don't wanna know. Perhaps it's time for a new commode, er, computer. It sure beats perpetual plunging.

Blessed son of the King said...

Mike, the supplementary data was inappropriate reading material, so the chow mein look was better and less chance to offend those who might be sensitive to such things. ;)