Thursday, April 19, 2007

A Young Lady on Modesty

A young lady named Katie is a friend of my son Chris. The last several posts on her blog have been about modesty. She writes about what the Lord has been showing her about the matter and how He has led her to make some changes regarding how she is to dress. Katie admits it isn't easy, but believes it is worthwhile to do so.

I agree with her that it is important for young women to be aware of how they dress. I have attempted to communicate this to my own daughters so that they understand how God wired men to respond to the female body; which was in its inception good. Adam saw Eve and said "Wow! This is great." And so it was. God looked and said it was good. That was before the fruit episode that turned into he said-she said and messed up the whole thing.
So the problem now is we live in a fallen world and have a sinful nature, so our glances turn to thoughts which can quickly turn to lustful thoughts, a.k.a. sin. The more skin that is revealed, the faster the thoughts go toward sin.

I'll relay what I've told my daughters: Ladies, men notice! Men will notice what you are wearing and they notice what you are not wearing. It does not matter how young or old the man, he will look. If it would totally creep you out that some guy that is 50 or 60 years old (or older) would look at you and enjoy the view, you might want to consider what you are showing. Men will consider it advertising.

I do not share these things to place a burden on women; men have their place of responsibility in the matter. Those of us who are aware of the need to control our thoughts try hard to do so. But there are many, many men in this world who do not even consider that they should avoid thinking lustfully and entertain it quickly, so ladies please be aware.

Enough on this subject today.

God Bless you all.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for your honesty and willingness to stand up and state the truth. Honestly, sometimes I see these daughters standing next to their dad's in church and wonder why in the heck did that man let her out of the door dressed like *that*??????? Perhaps you know better than I why dad's would let their daughters dress in ways like that and never say anything ... and why they would let their wives dress *like that* and never say anything! (Although I can kinda answer that one - usually the wife feels like she is competing for his eye-attention, among other forms of simple attention, and dresses to try to attract *her* man while all along she's attracting someone else's.)

So, thanks, David, for being so straight and honest here. I really appreciate it.

(~ Also, sorry you made me think? tehehehehe ... honestly, I probably think too much about stuff ... and too much about too much stuff at one time!)

Ame said...

btw - Katie's posts are excellent - thanks for the link!!!

Songbird said...

Good insight. Modesty is a worthwhile yet difficult virture to live by :)